The Aging Neck

The platysma band is a muscle located in the neck region. It runs from the jawline down to the collarbone and is responsible for various movements of the lower face and neck. When contracted, the platysma band can pull down the corners of the mouth, creating a frowning expression. However, with age and other factors, the platysma band can become more prominent and visible. This can lead to an aged and sagging appearance of the neck, often referred to as "turkey neck". Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to address this concern. One popular treatment is the use of injectables, such as neurotoxins like Xeomin and Botox, to relax the platysma band and reduce its visibility. This is called a “Nefertiti Lift” In addition, the DAO muscle, which turns down the corners of the mouth, can also be treated for a more comprehensive result.

Other options include filler-I typically prefer “Bio-stimulators-they stimulate your own NATURAL collagen, Deoxycholic Acid injections which dissolve submittal neck fat permanently. You typically require 3 sessions in order to elicit the best results. Neck lift surgery is another option which involves tightening the platysma muscle and removing excess skin to create a more youthful neck contour.

In order to achieve the best results, the jawline and neck must be addressed with a multifocal plan. I always suggest retinol and skincare as a foundation to encourage cellular turnover, 4-6 sessions of micro laser peel, neurotoxins and filler-preferably biostimulants like Radiesse and Sculptra- used sparingly. Overall, the platysma band plays a significant role in the youthful appearance of the jawline and neck, addressing its prominence can greatly improve one's overall aesthetic.

If you are concerned with sagging and laxity in the neck, book a complimentary consultation to find out more about this rejuvenating treatment!